"Janie Marzetti"

"Janie Marzetti"

1. Preheat oven to 350 and spray a square glass baking dish.

2. Cook the pasta al dente, drain, drizzle with a little oil and set aside.

3. Meanwhile, heat the rest of the oil over medium in a skillet and saute the tempeh and peppers a couple minutes. While these are cooking sprinkle herbs over them and stir. Add the wine, if using. Let it all sizzle and add the mushrooms and garlic, stir, and cook until tender--do not overcook. Turn off the heat and pour in the sauce. Mix the sauce mixture, pasta and mozzarella and pour it into the baking dish. Sprinkle parmesan and parsley over top. Bake 25-30 minutes, cover if the cheese starts to brown. Enjoy!


