Ahinosalata (Sea Urchin Roe Meze)

Ahinosalata (Sea Urchin Roe Meze)

1. In a little bowl, empty the sea urchin roe and juices and 'dress' with the evoo and lemon juice. (how you go about cracking the sea urchin is your own darned problem! ;-)).

2. Enjoy with little husks of the best bread you can find.

3. I like to dip the bread into the roe and juices to sop up some liquid, then top off with a little of the roe. Enjoy with sips of a very dry, cold white wine.

4. Ideally, this should be accompanied by a Greek sunset and music by Nikos Xylouris. Oh, and sand between your toes is a MUST!


