Eggs Napoli Aka Monday Morning Eggs

Eggs Napoli Aka Monday Morning Eggs

1. Spray a large skillet with Pam.

2. Melt the butter using a low flame.

3. If the potatoes are not already sliced, slice them prior to melting the butter.

4. Add the potatoes and cook for about 3 minutes in the butter.

5. Add salt and pepper to the potatoes.

6. Increase the flame and add 1 and 1/4 cup of sauce and stir.

7. When the sauce is heated crack the eggs into the skillet. I always push the potatoes and sauce around to make room for the eggs to hit the skillet directly and not land on potatoes or sauce. I also always drop the eggs so that they are not touching one another.

8. Cook the eggs until desired doneness (I flip mine gently to cook both sides.).

9. When the eggs have a few minutes left drizzle the remaining sauce over them and add some grated cheese.

10. Yummmmm!

11. (I always use sauce that was made with fresh garlic and contains basil.).


