Fresh Enchilada Sauce

Fresh Enchilada Sauce

1. Roast whole peppers in 350 degree oven until the scent permeates the room (about 15 minutes).

2. De-seed, de-vein, and slice peppers and place them in a large pot with just enough water to boil.

3. Boil peppers covered for 30 minutes (don't cheat you will regret it later).

4. Remove peppers from boiling water and wait until they are cool enough to handle.

5. Holding on to one end of the slice of pepper, gently rub the pulp side with a fork until only the skin remains (skins will make the sauce bitter).

6. Return pepper pulp to water and remove from heat.

7. Saute onion and garlic in butter.

8. Add flour and chicken stock.

9. Stir until mixture begins to thicken.

10. Add spices and water/pulp mixture.

11. Puree and serve.

12. Note: Jalapeno peppers work nicely if you are wanting a warmer sauce.


