Great Beef Jerky

Great Beef Jerky

1. In a large Bowl combine 1 can or bottle of beer, Garlic Powder, Onion Powder, Cayenne Pepper, Black Pepper, Seasoned Salt, Liquid smoke, Soy sauce, Olive, vegetable oil or if you have another favorite oil you can use that instead i usually use loriva's garlic flavored oil.

2. I don't measure exactly how much of the seasonings im putting in just add a little at a time.

3. Add meat to bowl (marinade).

4. let sit at least 24 hours.

5. add to oven or dehydrator.

6. should take about 8 hours (depending on oven and thickness of steak).

7. most people say just lay it across the racks in the oven but that makes a mess a cookie sheet is just fine.

8. Oven works best to dehydrate but keep it on about 130-150.

9. if you try to taste the marinade the liquid smoke gives it a weird taste.

10. i tried making jerky all kinds of ways and this is the absolute best tasting way i ever found.


