Grilled Chicken-Chocolate Chili

Grilled Chicken-Chocolate Chili

1. Fry first 7 ingredients in the 2 tbsp. oil 'til onions are transparent.

2. Add next 6 ingredients, simmer 45 mins., meanwhile prepare chicken:

3. Cut chicken into bite-sized pieces.

4. In a bowl, cover breast chunks with olive oil, add salt, cilantro and set aside.(I do this the night before and let it marinade overnight in a baggie)

5. Add more water to the chili (or other liquid: broth, black coffee) if necessary.

6. Add the pepper chunks, simmer for 1/2 hr.

7. Meanwhile, remove chicken from marinade (discard leftover marinade) and grill 4-5 mins.

8. I use a George Forman grill, or broil.

9. When the chili is ready, gently stir-in the grilled chicken. Don't cook, just heat low for 20 minutes.

10. Adjust seasoning. Optional: 1/4 tsp cayenne pepper can be added.

11. Serve over rice or in a bread bowl.

12. Toppings: sour cream, grated jalapeno-jack cheese.


