Make-Your-Own-Taco-Salad Bar

Make-Your-Own-Taco-Salad Bar

1. Dump lettuce in a large serving bowl (or the lid of Tupperware Serving Center).

2. Dump chips in another serving bowl (or the lid of the Serving Center if you didn't put the lettuce in it).

3. Mix sour cream and green onion slices; place in center compartment of serving center.

4. Place each of remaining ingredients (except chips) into one compartment of the serving center--being artistic in your arrangement so the colors look "nice."

5. BRIGHT IDEA #1: Heat up a can of refried beans, slather some on a burrito skin, and use to wrap around a hard-taco shell, then fill shell with fav ingredients--it won't crack!

6. BRIGHT IDEA #2: Mix everything up in a bowl, drizzle with Western Salad Dressing, and call it Western Taco Salad.


