Momma'S Italian Pastierra Or Holiday Pie

Momma'S Italian Pastierra Or Holiday Pie

1. In a large bowl, cream together sugar and softened butter.

2. To this, add egg yolks one at a time alternating between flour also added a bit at a time.

3. Add 1 Tbsp.

4. water at a time, until all is incorporated and dough is smooth.

5. Set aside; and keep in a cool place to rest until ready to roll out while you prepare the filling.

6. FILLING: I do all this is a food processor but it can be done with an electric mixer easily.

7. Add the cheese, eggs, sugar,*orange water, zest of lemon, zest of orange and mix well until smooth.

8. Set aside.

9. Mix in cherries and citron by hand.

10. On a lightly floured surface, roll out dough 1/4-inch thick and fit into the bottom and up the sides of a 15" round, 4" high cake pan.

11. This dough is very forgiving and can be manipulated easily to fit the pan and to patch torn areas.

12. If you have extra dough, roll and cutout thin strips to place on top of filling in a lattice pattern.

13. On top of dough, cut and place 1/2-inch slices of sponge cake to fit around the bottom of the pan.

14. Sprinkle the chocolate chips on top of sponge cake.

15. Pour batter into pan.

16. Top with lattice strips.

17. Preheat oven temperature to 375 degrees.

18. Bake for 1-1/4 hours.

19. Turn off oven and leave the pie in the oven with door open to cool slowly.

20. After completely cooled, dust the top of the pie with confectionery sugar.


