Sunny Provencal Tomato Soup

Sunny Provencal Tomato Soup

1. Peel and thinly slice the onions. Peel the tomatoes by plunging into boiling water for 2 minutes to loosen the skins, remove the seeds and chop roughly.

2. Put the onions and oil in a large pan and fry lightly over a low heat until the onions are transparent. Add the tomatoes, garlic and herbs.

3. Leave to simmer gently for 15 minutes and then add the measured water. Increase the heat and continue cooking for a further 10 minutes.

4. Remove the herbs and garlic and mash the tomatoes with a fork or potato masher. Season only with salt.

5. Serve hot with grated cheese or, if you prefer, a slice of toasted, crusty bread. Good with a rose or pinot grigio.


