Vietnamese Lemongrass Pork

Vietnamese Lemongrass Pork

1. Cut the pork into pieces, you can leave it in steak sizes piece, or cut it into thin strips, depending on how much you want the marinade to cover.

2. Add sugar, minced garlic, minced shallot, chopped onion, and minced lemongrass to mini chop and blend into a fine texture.

3. Add the pepper, soy sauce, fish sauce, and oil and continue to blend.

4. Cover the pork with the marinade. I suggest letting it marinate for at least a few hours so it can really soak in the flavors.

5. Preheat a grill to medium-high. Grill for 6 to 8 minutes, turning frequently, until cooked through. You want a good char on this, like they do at the Vietnamese restaurants.

6. Remove, allow to sit for a few minutes, and then enjoy!


