Wild Grape Wine

Wild Grape Wine

1. Choose ripe Wild Grapes, Pick them in clusters on the stems, bring them home and wash them in cold water leaving them on the stems.

2. Place grapes with stems on, in water just to cover, in an enamel or non metallic kettle.

3. Bring just to a boil, simmer till skins on the grapes pop, Mash the grapes in the water, Strain juice into a non-metallic container, through several layers of cheese cloth or a clean dish towel to remove grape pulp, seeds and stems.

4. Reserve the juice, Throw away stems and pulp.

5. Measure the juice.

6. Add equal amounts of sugar and water, (ie: 1 gal juice, 1 gal sugar, 1 gal water) put wine mixture in clean crock.

7. spread or sprinkle 1 cake or one pkg dry yeast on dry bread crust and allow it to float on top of the wine mixture, cover crock with a clean dish towel, let ferment for 3 days, strain wine, into non metallic container such as an enamel canner kettle, wash the crock and be sure to rinse it very well, put wine back into the crock, allow to ferment for 4 days, stirring every day and skimming the foam from top, strain the wine again as before, wash the crock again, put wine back in the crock.

8. Allow to ferment 4 days, stirring and skimming every day.

9. Strain the wine once more, this time it is ready to bottle.

10. The older it gets the better.

