Apple Pizza | Apple Tasty Delight | Sanjeev Kapoor Khazana

Apple Pizza? It may sound extremely weird, but apple pizza is one of the most delicious ways to finish off a meal. Its unique appearance and texture makes its even more appealing!



1 medium green Washington Apple
200 grams pizza dough
Refined flour (maida) for dusting
Readymade pizza sauce for spreading
Salt to taste
Crushed black peppercorns to taste
Juice of ½ lemon
6-8 fresh rocket leaves
2 tbsps blue cheese
Balsamic reduction for drizzling
Olive oil for drizzling


1. Preheat oven to 180° C.
2. Dust the pizza dough with some flour, place on a small rectangular baking tray and spread evenly and dork using a fork.
3. Spread some pizza sauce on the sheet and sprinkle some salt and crushed peppercorns on top.
4. Put the tray into the preheated oven and bake for 15 minutes. Remove from oven and demould.
5. Cut the Washington Apple into quarters lengthwise, deseed and slice. Transfer in a bowl. Add some water and lemon juice and set aside.
6. Drain the apple slices and arrange on top of baked pizza base along with torn rocket leaves. Crumb the blue cheese and put on top.
7. Drizzle some balsamic reduction and olive oil and sprinkle some crushed peppercorns and salt on top.
8. Cut into pieces and serve.

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