Ingredients (10-15 serving)

1 cup millet*
8-9 cups drinking water (by desired consistency)
or 1 cup sugar (by desired sweetness)
Boza Yeast of 2 cups leftover Boza

For the Boza Yeast:
cup wheat flour
1 cup water
tbsp sugar
cup yogurt

1 tsp dry yeast
cup warm water

For serving:
2-3 tbsp ground cinnamon
200 g leblebi (treated & roasted chickpeas)

(*) Boza is traditionally made with millet. However, bulgur may be used as an alternative ingredient for homemade Boza preparation

Soak 1 cup of millet seeds in 4 cups of drinking water at room temperature for a minimum of 10 hours or overnight

A day later transfer the water-millet mixture into a deep pot. Add 2 more cups of water
Cover the pot with a lid and heat on the medium setting until the mixture boils
Then, lower the heat to minimum and cook for 2 hours while stirring now and then. Make sure the millet seeds become very soft by the end of cooking
Then, turn off the stove, add the remaining 2 (or 3) cups of water* and rest for 1-2 hours, until the mixture slowly cools down to room temperature

(*) Adding the rest of the water in the end helps to cool down the millet and adjust the consistency based on your desire

Millet seeds have a strong shell, which a hand blender cannot breakdown completely. Thus, to make a very smooth liquid, strain the mixture through fine sieve
Choose a glass, porcelain, or stainless-steel container as Boza is a fermented drink
The sieve will hold the shells. Discard the shells from time to time to be able to sieve faster through the entire mixture
Once the mixture is completely sieved through, it will have a smooth viscous consistency
Now, it is time to add the Boza Yeast!

Place cup of wheat flour in a saucepan and stir for 1 minute on medium heat
Then, add 1 cup of water and cook while stirring continuously until it becomes smoot and lump-free
Once the mixture boils cook for 1 more minute. Then, turn off the stove, add cups of sugar and mix well. Let the mixture cool down to room temperature
In a separate bowl, mix 1 tsp of dry yeast and cup of warm water; set aside
Once all the ingredients cool down to room temperature, mix them all and add cup of yogurt
Let the Boza Yeast rest in warm place for 25 to 30 minutes to activate
Once the yeast has risen, pour it into the sieved millet puree and mix thoroughly
If you have Boza leftover, use it as Boza Yeast. Simply mix 2* cups of left over Boza with the millet puree. You can add more than 2 cups of leftover boza; But remember, more yeast means shorter fermentation time, and faster souring!

The leftover Boza gives the best result for achieving a mature Boza Taste!!

Cover the container and leave it in the fridge or a cold room for 1-2 days to slowly ferment

Traditionally, Boza is served with ground cinnamon and freshly roasted leblebi
Leblebi is a neutral appetizer, which is prepared using specially treated chickpeas
Before serving, leblebi has to be roasted lightly for 5-6 minutes, and served warm on a glass of Boza for a fresh taste!

Add the sugar into the Boza mixture right before serving** based on your preference, sweeten it with 1 or a half cup of sugar

(**) You do not want to add sugar before the fermentation; because sugar speeds up the fermentation process:
1. The Boza will sour faster which may require you to add more sugar later on
2. The Boza will not last as long with sugar in it, so you will have to recycle it sooner

Now, Boza is ready to serve!!

Fill the first glass for yourself to adjust its taste!!
Add more sugar to the whole batch if necessary

Boza, is served cold with the addition of ground cinnamon and freshly roasted, warm leblebi!!

If you ever visit Istanbul in winter, you must visit the most famous Boza producer in VEFA and enjoy one of Istanbul classic!!

Even if you are thousands of miles away from Istanbul, you can still enjoy this taste!!

Boza is prepared in couple of days
Since it is a fermented drink, its taste changes continuously.
It should be consumed just on time, when its taste is at the perfect level! Not too bland not too sour!
So, invite lots of people to drink BOZA at its best and enjoy the gatherings!!

Boza is a comforting winter drink that is often sipped or spooned from a glass while excitedly speaking about old Boza memories with your loving friends

Slurp or dig-in and Enjoy!!

For more recipes and detailed directions SUBSCRIBE and FOLLOW the Fairies Cuisine on its YouTube page, link below:
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