Christmas Rum Cake How To Sock Your Fruits For Two Months | Recipes By Chef Ricardo | Chef Ricardo Cooking


Follow the instructions and you can make yourself a nice 9 inch fruit cake. Look out for the full new recipe sorrel.

Jamaican Christmas Fruit Cake
Copy Right 2014

Butter- 1 Lb
Sugar- 1 lb
Flour- 1 lb
Breadcrumbs- 1 lb
Baking Powder- 2 tsp
Eggs- 6
Raisins- half cup
Prunes- half cup
Currant- half cup
Mixed Peel- ½ Lb
Orange Juice- ½ Cup
Browning- 2 Tbsp
Wine & Rum to flavor (red label wine or over proof rum)
Place fruit in a large jar at least a day (longer if possible) in advance, pour wine and rum over fruit, so that it is completely covered. Cover jar and leave fruit to soak.
Mixed Spice- 1 Tsp
2 tsp Vanilla
1 tsp Rose Water
1 tsp Cinnamon Powder

Method Copy Right 2014
Cream butter and sugar in a very large mixing bowl. Add browning. Add 1 and a half cups of soaked fruit, stirring in with a large wooden spoon.
Beat eggs until light and frothy (10 to 15 minutes). Add rose water, vanilla mixed spice and cinnamon powder.
Add egg mixture and orange juice to butter mixture, fold in well. Fold soaked fruit into this mixture. (Any leftover fruit can be left to soak until the next time you bake!)
Gradually fold in flour mixture. Test to see if the wooden spoon can stand upright in middle of the mixture. If not, add some more flour until the mixture can support the spoon.
Grease baking pans and line with grease paper. Grease and flour lined pans. Pour mixture into tins and bake for 2 hours in a slow oven, 300-350 F. Place a pan of water in the bottom of the oven to ensure cakes do not dry out.
Check cakes from time to time, as baking times may vary. Cakes are ready when a toothpick or skewer inserted in centre comes out clean, or almost clean.
To store the cake for a few weeks, keep moist by pouring Red Label wine and Jamaican white rum on the top, and wrapping tightly in plastic wrap and cling film.

New caribbean cookbook coming soon.
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