Creamy Chicken Alfredo Lasagna Rolls: Cheesy, Dreamy, and Delicious by SooperChef

Indulge in Creamy Comfort with Our Alfredo Lasagna Rolls Recipe. Upgrade Your Pasta Game with Alfredo Lasagna Roll-Ups and share your feedback with us.

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Alfredo Lasagna Roll-ups

Ingredients for Alfredo Chicken:
Oil 3 tbsp
NESTL MILKPAK Dairy Cream 2 packs
Garlic (chopped) 1 tbsp.
NESTL MILKPAK Full Cream Milk 1 cup
Garlic Powder 1 tsp
White Pepper powder 1 tsp
Salt 1 tsp
Black Pepper crushed 1 tsp
Oregano 1 tsp
Chicken (boiled & shredded) 300 g

Ingredients for Alfredo Lasagna Roll-Ups:
Alfredo Chicken as required
Fresh Parsley as required
Parmesan Cheese 1/2 cup
Boiled lasagna sheets as required
Reserved white sauce 1 cup
Oregano as required
Cheddar cheese as required

Directions for Alfredo Chicken Preparation:
1. In a pan heat oil, garlic and saut for a minute. Add NESTL MILKPAK Dairy Cream and mix it well. Add NESTL MILKPAK Full Cream Milk and cook for a minute.
2. Add garlic powder, white pepper powder, black pepper, salt, and oregano cook until the sauce gets thick. Add boiled chicken in it and then add parmesan cheese. Give it a good mix and set aside.
Directions for Alfredo Lasagna Roll-Ups Preparation:
3. Take the boiled lasagna sheets and spread the Alfredo chicken mixture on it.
4. Fold the sheets into rolls.
5. Now take a baking tray, place these lasagna roll-ups in it, and pour the reserved white sauce on top.
6. Add cheddar cheese, oregano on top and bake in a preheated oven at 160 degrees for 7-8 mins.
7. Your Alfredo Lasagna Roll-Ups are ready. Sprinkle parsley on top and serve.

Preparation time: 20 minutes
Cooking Time: 15-20 minutes
Servings: 3-4
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