Diwali Special Burfi | Sujan Fun Kitchen

Diwali Special Burfi in minutes!
Festival of lights, Diwali is approaching us and everyone of us is eagerly looking forward to it. 2020 Diwali is special due to the unusual situation, no thanks to COVID 19 - all of us are ardently praying for some sort of joy and respite during this week.
My celebration is always synonymous with an exotic sweet which can be quickly made and more importantly shared! So here comes #SujanFunKitchen with another easy recipe of #DiwaliSpecialBurfi that can be made instantly with minimum ingredients.
Rava - 2 measures
Sugar - 3 or 3¼ measures
Grated coconut - 1 cup
Milk powder - ½ cup
Ghee - 1 cup
Cardamom powder - to taste
Fry the rava in ghee, over medium flame - take care to not change the colour of rava
Switch off flame and add the grated coconut and milk powder
Toss and mix everything well
Now, take a thick pan, and add sugar
Add water to cover the sugar
Start cooking to make a thick syrup
Keep cooking the sugar syrup till 2 string consistency is reached
Switch off flame
Add the ghee roasted rava-coconut-milkpowder to the sugar syrup
Add the cardamom powder
Keep stirring everything thoroughly well incorporating the ingredients into the thick syrup
When the mix is mon-sticky, transfer to a greased plate
When it reaches room temperature, cut into desired shapes
PS If the mix does not become non-sticky at the end, just keep the pan over low flame for a few mins and then keep stirring together till the sweet in non-sticky
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