Dry Eggplant Stuffed Chicken And Chickpeas Baking Recipe

Hello, ladies and gentlemen, welcome everyone happy days
Healthy and 20-food winter meal from Ottoman cuisine
Dried eggplant stuffing
A meal of fifty people
Dried eggplants with chicken and chickpeas
This healthy food item
Dried eggplants
Peeled onions and tomatoes
Aluminum foil
One kilogram of rice and one kilogram of bulgur
Boiled chickpeas half a kilo
Hot peppercorn and tomato crust
Garlic and spices
Salt, dry mint, black pepper, sugar, pepper flakes, cumin
Two pieces of lemon juice
Liquid sunflower oil and olive oil mixed
Pre-boiled chicken
I am going to prepare the inside of your meal
Remove boiled chickens and separate their meat
You can use raw chicken
Thin chicken meat with a knife
1 kg of rice and 1 kg of bulgur with warm water
Shred peeled onions with a mixer
Add the strainer and separate the resulting water
Chop tomatoes with a mixer
Do not use the water from the chill
Add tomato with water
Add tomato paste and chili pepper garlic garlic
Add boiled chickpeas
Add sunflower oil and olive oil
Add spices, salt, dry mint, black pepper, sugar, chili pepper, lemon juice and add lemon juice
Add fine chicken meat
Add onions
Stir thoroughly
Add and add rice and bruise to the strainer
It may be a bit watery now I mix it up and show you its consistency
Adjust the consistency of the mixture in this way
Place the dried eggplants' heads in a definite container
Add salt
Add boiling water and keep in the water for four minutes
You have to wait four minutes with stirring intervals
Transfer the eggplants to the strainer
Add the mixture into the eggplants
Do not overfill
Rice and bulgur shove for jerky time
Add a light fill and add it to the furnace tray horizontally
Use a tray with edges and use aluminum foil
You can have two or three of one person
Prepare a salted sauce Add a tomato sauce and salt in a bowl
Add boiling water
Add some liquid sunflower oil mix
Cover with aluminum foil close to air
I will bake for two hours in the middle temperature 160 degrees
If the aubergines are pitted but there is no water, add a little bit of tomato sauce
You can serve it with yoghurt and pasta
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