Free Healthy Smoothie Recipes * How to Make a Smoothie * Banana Smoothie Recipe * * * *

Homemade Fruit Smoothie Recipes *
Free Raw Food Recipes *
Health Benefits of Bananas *
Raw Food Weight Loss *

*First things first...*
A Raw Food Rap
from Dan the Man
with the Master Plan!

I'm here to help you thrive,
and keep you alive!

Yo, I'm so glad to have you here with me today,
to share another simple raw foods way

Yeah, I got some overripe bananas
and I don't want them to go bad,
so I'm gonna put 'em in a smoothie
so I don't have to be so sad

Can you dig it???


OK...onto the recipe! :D

* I n g r e d i e n t s *
2 Young Coconuts (Coconut Water)
1 cup of Ice
6 Bananas, as ripe as you can stand ;)
1 bunch of Kale (torn into pieces, INCLUDING the stems!)

* P r e p a r a t i o n *
1) Open young coconuts to get coconut water out ~ watch this video if you need help:

2) Add ice, bananas, kale and coconut water from the young coconuts to your Vita-Mix, or other high-powered blender of your choice.

3) Blend until desired consistency is reached.

4) Enjoy!

* I n s p i r a t i o n *
Bananas are arguably the best food for humankind!

Choose to eat healthy foods, just because it feels good! Feel alive on juices, smoothies & whole fruits & vegetables!

There is no right and wrong on this path!

Whatever decisions you choose to do to improve your life, THAT is where your power lies. You need to decide for yourself what is healthy for you, and then follow your OWN path. Most importantly, enjoy life! For me right now, I feel like a "Fruitarian Herbal Man!"

I'm not currently eating any nuts, I usually eat more of those in the winter....but here is a trick for eating nuts: buy them in the shell, so then it takes longer for you to eat them! As then you will eat significantly less of them before feeling full. They are a VERY calorie-dense food, and mother nature offers them to us in a shell for a reason... so that we have to struggle a bit to open them, and take time to open them! Otherwise, we all know how easy it is to overeat on shelled nuts! Plus, many times the shelled nuts that you find in stores are actually rancid... :(

The power of the love in the heart is what keeps you going! Look to your heart!

What are YOU going to do for exercise today? This smoothie will work a lot better for you if you go exercise soon after! As for me, I'm going to run like a madman through the woods right now... and I cannot tell you the levels of energy that I am experiencing right now! Exercise and clean eating can do miracles for you! Enjoy living, loving and being alive!

It is *always* an honor and *always* a privilege to come into your home and share my passion for raw foods and just living the most high life that we possibly can while we're here on earth!

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Love, Dan
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