Free Juicer Recipes * Carrot Cucumber Celery Juice with Young Coconut Water * *CLICK HERE 4 RECIPE!

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Irritable Bowel Syndrome *

Carrot Cucumber Celery Juice with Young Coconut Water

* I n g r e d i e n t s *
Thai Young Coconut (Coconut Water)
4-8 Carrots (unpeeled if organic, peeled if inorganic)
1-2 Cucumbers (unpeeled if organic, peeled if inorganic)
1/2-1 head of Celery

* P r e p a r a t i o n *
1) Open young coconut to get coconut water out ~ watch this video if you need help:

2) Run carrots, cucumbers and celery stalks through your Breville juicer, or whatever the best juicer is for you.

3) Add ice, if desired

4) Enjoy!

* I n s p i r a t i o n *
You are doing the right thing today by taking care of yourself!

I have given up on "trying" to be more spiritual, more at peace & more relaxed. All I can be is whatever I am right now. So, just be yourself exactly as you are right now, which is how God loves you!

Now, I wanted to talk to you today about BOWEL HEALTH! What can we do to create a better life? Clean up our digestion!

How do we do that? Lots of green juices and clean eating. Simple eating via recipes made with 3-5 ingredients or less. Eat and drink as pure, raw, fresh and organic as possible. Do not buy wilted greens. Buy vibrant, crisp, fresh greens!

I also recommend colonics and enemas if you feel that you need them, to help keep yourself healthy!

As for exercise, rebounding on a rebounder (a one-person mini-trampoline) is one of the BEST forms of exercise that you could ever do for your body. It tones and tightens every last cell of your body, with every single bounce up and down! Walking, yoga and stretching are all also very good!

It is always more difficult to lead a peaceful life if your guts have putrefying matter in them, which results in some combination of painful cramping such as with IBS, burning inflammation such as heartburn and horrible bad breath, just to name a few! So, why not prevent all that from happening in the first place, simply by keeping your bowels as clean and as clear as you can? Fruits, vegetables, juices and some light exercise is all it takes....and you can do this!!! I know that you can....

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Love, Dan
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