How to Make Healthy Food COUNT with Dr. Biljana Uzelac, Integrative Pediatric MD HPC: E33

Can kindergartners make good decisions about what to feed themselves? What if all they want to eat is chicken dipped in ketchup at a meal? Find out some *fascinating* research on that, plus rock solid tips for starting babies off right with food, the attitude parents need at the dinner table, and how to motivate older kids to make healthy choices from Dr. Biljana Uzelac. She's an MD who found that her medical training was lacking and added integrative medicine and more to her education.

Find Dr. Uzelac here in person:
And here's her book "The Green Lunchbox," on Amazon!
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Visit the Kids Cook Real Food eCourse and see how we teach children confidence in the kitchen:

Find all the Kids Cook Real Food Healthy Parenting Connector videos at
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