How To Make Perfect Mashed Potatoes.

First, choose what type of potato you want. I usually stick with russet potatoes. Different type of potato yields a different texture and flavor. The best potatoes for fluffy mashed potatoes are russet or yukon gold. Mashed potatoes, its one of my favorite comfort foods to make. The perfect side dish for turkey and gravy, roasted beef, or pork. You can peel the potatoes, or leave the skins on, if you want skins in your mashed potatoes.
Ingredient Used: 3 Large Russet Potatoes, 1 Stick Butter, Half Or 1/2 Cup Of Milk
Salt (half or 1/2 tablespoon of salt use in cooking the Potatoes while half or 1/2 teaspoon of salt use after cooking to give it more taste), Half Or 1/2 Teaspoon Of Cameroon Pepper (Black Pepper), and Water. Please Dont Forget To Subscribe And Like. Thanks
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