How to make Dalgona Coffee@Sujan Fun Kitchen

How to make Dalgona Coffee #DalgonaCoffee

During these traumatizing times, we do need to boost up our spirits. What better than coffee, that too Dalgona Coffee?!! Especially now that all of us are confined to our homes, it's a good idea to create of moment, a coffee moment, a Dalgona Coffee k moment!

Sujan Fun Kitchen Vis here with a #easy and #healthy recipe of #DalgonaCoffee

Dalgona Coffee


Instant Coffee powder - 1 measure

Sugar - 1 measure

Hot water - 1 measure


In a wide bowl, scoop out the instant coffee powder and sugar

Now, add the hot water 

Then, use an electric beater or a manual whipper or a heavy spoon to briskly beat Everything together

Beat well till a creamy texture is reached

Into a glass, place some ice cubes

Pour some milk tofill ¾ of the glass

Now, layer the milk with the cream till the top

Serve the Dalgona Coffee in style
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