How to Make Hubei Sticky Rice Pearl Meatballs (珍珠丸子) | Chinese Cooking Demystified

Hubei-style Pearl Meatballs are one of our favorite Chinese dishes to cook. If you're not familiar with them, they're pork meatballs which are minced by hand, then coated in sticky rice and steamed. They often form one leg of the 'three steamed dishes mianyang', and are incredibly delicious.

When we were cooking back in the USA over Chinese New Year, these were one of the most popular dishes. They're awesome.

Recipe, ingredient list, and detailed discussion of the process over in the reddit post on /r/cooking:

I'm Chris Thomas from the United States and I've been living as an expat in China now for upwards of nine years, most of which in Shenzhen. I love living here, and the food is absolutely incredible. I read and speak some Chinese, and have been trying to religiously recreate the most authentic versions of the food I've eaten and loved here.

My partner in these videos is Stephanie Li, my similarly food-and-travel-obsessed long term girlfriend. She's a translator from Guangzhou and is an incredible home cook. Sometimes I'll be behind the wok but usually it'll be her cooking.
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