琥珀糖 How to Make Ring Pops, the Japanese Way ! | MosoGourmet 妄想グルメ

Today we make a traditional Japanese candy from sugar and agar called Kohaku-to. It is old-fashioned candy indeed but surprisingly easy to make. It's got an interesting texture where the outside is crunchy and the inside is jelly-like. And above all, it's really pretty looking! You can put any color and flavor you'd like in it. If you got one of those ring-shaped food picks, you can shape the candy into like Ring Pops.
1. Leave 5g of string agar in a bowl full of water over night.
2. Have a mold out and ready. If it's an ice tray you are using, thinly spread some salad oil across the surface. You can make the candy with a lunchbox-type of container also like the ziplock containers. In that case, you would also want to apply some salad oil or put some parchment paper at the bottom.
3. Thoroughly drain 1's water
4. Put 3. and 200ml of water in a cooking pot and heat it up.
5. Boil it down until the string agar is completely melted.
6. Put 300g of granulated sugar in a separate cooking pot.
7. Put 5 in 6 while straining it with a strainer
8. Stir it well.
9. Start heating up 8, and slowly boil it down to avoid burning it.
10. Boil it down until it is think and does not snap like a string when you scoop it up.
11. Take it off the heat.
12. Pour out 11 into the mold prepared in 2.
13. Color 12 with liquid food coloring.
14. Let it sit until it congeals. It congeals in a room temperature.
15. After about a day, when you see the surface of the candy covered with a thin layer and is no longer sticky, remove it from the mold to parchment paper. If you made it with a lunchbox-like container, you can use molds or a knife to cut them into pieces. You can eat the candy if you'd like already at this point.
16. And after about another day, when you see the layer covering all over the candy, it is done!


1.糸寒天 5gは、前日からたっぷりの水につけておく。
2.型の準備をしておきます。製氷皿・アイストレー等の場合はサラダ油を薄くぬっておきます。ジップロックコンテナーなど お弁当箱型でも作れます。その場合もサラダ油を薄くぬるか、オーブンペーパーを敷きこんでおきます。
4.鍋に3と水 200mlを入れ、火にかける。
6.別の鍋にグラニュー糖 300gを入れる。

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