Italian Grandma Make SWEET FRIED RAVIOLI from Abruzzo (Caggionetti Recipe) | Vincenzo's Plate

Fried Ravioli are tastier than you might think! Fried Ravioli are a traditional dessert recipe made at Christmas time by my Nonna. Shaped like savoury ravioli, these sweet morsels of goodness are crispy on the outside and oozing with grape jam on the inside. They are a delicious treat which can also be enjoyed with alternate fillings such as other fruit jams, ricotta and cinnamon or even Nutella. These sweet fried ravioli are known as Caggiunitt Abruzzesi.

#friedravioli #italianfriedcookies #italiangrandma


500g plain flour
1 egg yolk
½ glass sunflower oil
1-1 ½ glasses of white wine
Pinch of sugar
Pinch of salt
Grape jam (or an alternate filling of your choice!)
Crushed toasted almonds
Grated Chocolate

1. In a bowl add the grape jam, crushed toasted almonds, grated chocolate and mix very very well.

1. Pour 500g plain flour on to a board or breakfast bench.
2. Make a well in the centre using your hands.
3. Pour an egg yolk (only) into the well and mix using a fork.
4. Add ½ glass of sunflower oil.
5. Sprinkle in a pinch of sugar and then a pinch of salt, and mix well.
6. Add up to 1 glass of white wine and begin to combine all of the ingredients using your hands.
7. Slowly but surely knead the dough for at least 6-8 minutes or until it forms into a ball and has a soft, smooth consistency.
8. If you are finding the dough dry and hard, add some more white wine.
9. Once the ball of dough has formed, pat it down and leave it to rest underneath a large bowl so that no air gets inside.
10. Clean up your board and add some plain flour on top so to help you work your dough into the shape you need.
11. Remove the large bowl from covering the dough and cut a small piece from the end of the dough for the fried ravioli.
12. Preparing your pasta machine on a thicker setting, run the dough through it between 3-4 times. Then gradually work your way down the settings, as the dough becomes thinner, until you have a long strip of dough and it is thin (but not too thin!) and smooth.
13. Using a spoon, divide small portions of grape jam into the bottom half of the strip of dough, separating each one by a few centimeters.
14. Carefully fold the dough over the top, covering the filling and creating what looks like an extra-large calzone!
15. Using the ravioli cutter, cut small portions and put them in a tray to the side.
16. Cut another slice of dough and repeat steps 12-15 until all your dough (or your jam!) is gone!
17. Heat up the sunflower (or vegetable) oil in a medium size saucepan. Once it is warm enough, carefully put 5-7 ravioli inside and fry them.
18. Make sure you turn over each ravioli gently so they cook right through and be careful not to overcook them!

E ora si mangia, Vincenzo’s Plate…Enjoy!

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