Part I: Diabetes-friendly Recipes For A Nutritious Breakfast

Roland has been living with type 2 diabetes for 6 years now & as his wife, I often act like his diabetes police. Honestly, its quite difficult to restrain him as Roland loves his food. Thankfully, our recent discovery of Glucerna helped to make life easier not just for him but for me too. In fact, Roland loves Glucerna & he has been taking it to replace breakfast on some days of the week. To spice things up, weve created a few recipes with Glucerna, which we thought may be useful for some of you battling with diabetes too.

Havent tried Glucerna before? Get your free Glucerna sample today. Super yummy! Go to:

To get the full recipe and the list of ingredients used, go to the links below

Glucerna Dragonfruit and Berries Smoothie Bowl:

Glucerna Papaya Overnight Oats:

Glucerna Black Sesame Pudding:

This is part 1 of our Glucerna series. Look out for part 2 which will be released in two weeks time.


#BeEmpowered #BreakFree #DiabetesBurnout
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