Potato Chips Recipe | Potato Crisp Recipe | Aloo Chips | Nisha Madhulika | TedhiKheer

Potato chips are crispy and tasty aloo chips with a pleasing taste, flavored with some salt and black pepper powder.

Potato – 3
Salt – ¼ tsp or to taste
Black pepper powder – 2 pinches
Alum – pea sized (finely crushed)
Oil – for frying

Getting Ready:

1. Rinse the potatoes thoroughly and then drain out the excess water. Pat dry the potatoes and peel them.


2. Dissolve some alum powder in water.Cut the potatoes thinly with help of a chip cutter and drench them in water.

3. Take out the chips from the alum water after 15 minutes and rinse them again with plain water. Spread these chips evenly on a muslin cloth and wipe off the water.

4. Heat enough oil in a wok and gently slide the chips into it.Fry until the chips get golden brown in color from both the sides evenly.

5. Take the chips onto a slotted ladle and hold it on the edge of the wok so that extra oil drains back into it. Transfer the fried chips on a plate with absorbent paper. Similarly fry the rest as well.


6. Sprinkle some salt and black pepper powder on the chips and mix well. Serve these crispy and delicious potato chips anytime of the day.


Use sendha salt along with black pepper powder, is preparing for vrat.

http://nishamadhulika.com/566-potato-chips-recipe-potato-crisp.html Click here to read recipe of Potato Chips. Also known as Potato Crisp, Alu Chips, Aloo chips, आलू चिप्स
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