迎接万圣节之南瓜豆沙饼 Pumpkin Glutinuous Red Bean cake | Emilee's Kitchen 愛米丽厨房


万圣节快要到了。所以特别制作这个南瓜饼。如果你们喜欢南瓜,喜欢豆沙馅,一定要试一下。这个食谱因为用了大量的南瓜制成的,所以就算到了第二天,它也不会变硬。所以,利用竹笼蒸南瓜是很重要的。如果太多的水分落入南瓜里, 你就必须用更多的糯米粉去整面团,这样,南瓜味没了,你的南瓜饼也更容易变硬。



Pumpkin Glutinuous Red Bean cake
Halloween is just around the corner. Therefore I decide to make this pumpkin cake. If you like pumpkin and red bean paste, you cannot missed this recipe. In this recipe, we had used lots of pumpkin and less glutinuous flour, therefore, it will not harden even until the next day. To avoid adding too much glutinuous flour, you need to ensure you use bamboo steamer when steaming the pumpkin. If too much water dripping into pumpkin, you need to use more glutinuous flour to form a dough, the outer layer will go hard easily after it cools down.

This cake is small, cute and delicious, you will be eating one after one.

Please remember to place a baking paper underneath when you steam the cake, otherwise, you are in deep trouble. haha
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