Singapore Satay Bee Hoon Recipe -

Ingredients below
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Satay Bee Hoon () is a fusion of different cultures, mainly between the Malay and Chinese, as you can guess from the name the reason why its call Satay Bee Hoon is because of the peanut gravy which is similar to satay sauce with peanut butter. The result is a sweet savoury dish with marvellous flavours and crunch from the key ingredients cuttlefish, prawns, tau pok and kangkong. Another important thing aside from the sauce, is to make sure that when poaching the rest of the ingredients they are drained properly as the excess water dilutes the taste of the sauce.

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Ingredients here
500g ground peanuts
2 large red onions
12 cloves garlic
40g galangal
1 stalk chopped lemongrass
1 tbsp fennel seeds
1 tbsp cumin seeds
6 candlenuts
20g belacan
4 tbsp oil
2 tbsp dried chilli paste
1 tsp salt (adjust to taste)
4 tbsp tamarind paste mixed with 4 tbsp warm water
2 litres of boiling water
3 stalks bruised lemongrass
5 kaffir lime leaves
100g palm sugar
2 tbsp fresh chilli paste
2 tbsp white sugar (adjust to taste)
cup kecap manis

1 tbsp salt
3 kaffir lime leaves
200g dried beehoon (soaked in water for 30mins)
20 medium prawns (shelled)
1 processed cuttlefish
1 bundle of kangkong (washed and cut into 5 cm length)
4 toasted tau poks
2 green chillies
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