Strawberry smoothie & ice block 草莓冰棒 奶昔 | Emilee's Kitchen 愛米丽厨房

Every year around Aug September is the strawberry season in Australia. This year, again I went to the strawberry farm and picked a huge box of strawberry.

In this episode, Iris, the little chef is going to show you how to make strawberry ice block and strawberry smoothie. They are both easy and fun to make. It is also a good activity to do with the kids.

每年的八九月是澳洲的草莓季节。今年不列外的,我又去采草莓了。采好之后,又忙着干活了。哈哈。这一集视频又派了小小厨师,来教大家如何制作草莓冰棒和草莓奶昔。 这两个甜点都好简单,又可以和小朋友一起做,甚至他们还可以独立操作呢。
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