Hand-made Soba Noodles at Narutomi (手打ち蕎麦 成冨) in Tokyo | Mark Wiens

Hand-made Soba Noodles at Narutomi (手打ち蕎麦 成冨) in Tokyo | Mark Wiens

If you're looking for marvelous hand-made soba noodles in Tokyo go to Narutomi (手打ち蕎麦 成冨): http://migrationology.com/2014/06/narutomi-soba-restaurant-...

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Luxury Japanese Sukiyaki (すき焼き) at Yoshihashi (よしはし) | Mark Wiens

Luxury Japanese Sukiyaki (すき焼き) at Yoshihashi (よしはし) | Mark Wiens

When I was in Tokyo I wanted some awesome Japanese Sukiyaki (すき焼き). Get all the details here: http://migrationology.com/2014/05/yoshihashi-sukiyaki-to...

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Chirashi Don (ちらし寿司 Sashimi Rice Bowl) in Tokyo at Uoriki Kaisen Sushi Restaurant | Mark Wiens

Chirashi Don (ちらし寿司 Sashimi Rice Bowl) in Tokyo at Uoriki Kaisen Sushi Restaurant | Mark Wiens

I ate this Chirashi Don (ちらし寿司) at Uoriki Kaisen Sushi. Get details about where I ate in Tokyo here: http://migrationology.com/2014/03/tokyo-travel-gu...

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