10 Minute French Bread

10 Minute French Bread

1. Mix water, yeast, and sugar.

2. Then add salt, 4 cups flour, and oil.

3. Add a little more flour if dough is not thick enough to turn out of bowl.

4. Turn out on to 1 cup flour. Knead for 5 to 10 minutes until dough is elastic and smooth. Add more flour if needed.(It usually takes about 5 minutes until the dough is not so sticky when you press. I press my dough to flatten it some; turn it over; press a little;fold; press; repeat.So it's 1.Press 2.Turn Over 3.Press 4.Fold 5.Press 6.Turn.

5. Divide into 2 to 4 loaves with a knife. Lay the sticky side down on a little flour to form a little round loaf. You can bake it just like that.

6. If you want a sub roll, roll with a rolling pin into an oblong sheet and roll the sheet up into a loaf. Spray with water if you want crunchy bread. You can also put a mug of water into the oven to make your bread crunchy.

7. Place on lightly floured cookie sheet.

8. Bake at 375 for 30 minutes.


