"Real" Strawberry Pie With French Cream Topping!

"Real" Strawberry Pie With French Cream Topping!

1. Cook frozen berries in large saucepan over med-low heat until berries release juice.Increrase heat to med-high and stirring often cook until you get a jam like consistency.(about 25 minutes.) Now measure and see if you have 2 cups! It needs to reduce to exactly 2 cups.(This is very important. It you have more after that time return it to the pan and cook some more.)

2. While this is cooking combine Gelatin, water and lemon juice and let stand until softened and thickened. (5 minutes).

3. Add the gelatin mixture, sugar, pinch of salt to the berry mixture and simmer for a few more minutes.

4. Transfer to a bowl and let cool about 30 minutes to room temp.fold in the sliced, fresh berries and place all in your baked pie shell. Refrigerate about 4 hours and up to 24 hours.

5. For the topping whip the cream cheese, sugar and vanilla with electric mixer until smooth.With mixer running. Add the whipping/heavy cream and beat until stiff peaks form.

6. Serve pie with this delicious topping.

7. For a Lower calorie Topping. Use reduced fat cream cheese and fold in Cool-Whip Light or Free.


