' Special' Tiramisu

' Special' Tiramisu

1. Strain the yogurt in a yogurt cloth or in a sieve with kitchen towel for about an hour.

2. In the meantime, mix the egg with the vanilla.

3. Sieve in the sugar, baking powder and flour and mix.

4. Pour in the diet soda and lemon juice.

5. Grate in the lemon rind and mix all together.

6. Bake on 400°F for 20 minutes (this is an approximate) or in the microwave for 10 minutes.

7. When the cake is done, mix the coffee and sugar (or sweetener) and pour over cake. Let it soak up.

8. When the yogurt has become thickish (and cake has soaked up coffee), pour yogurt on the cake and spread an even layer.

9. Use a sieve to sprinkle cocoa powder on top of yogurt.

10. Enjoy this guilt free swap :D.


