5 Alarm Pasta

5 Alarm Pasta

1. Set salted water to boil in a large pot, empty both cans of sauce into medium sized pot and set to low, place gound beef into frying pan on high and start to break up the meat.

2. Shake cayenne pepper onto one side of ground beef (ammount of cayenne used is personal prefference).

3. Turn gorund beef when brown and repeat Step 2.

4. When beef is done, add green pepper and onion, grilling them for about 5 minute.

5. Add beef-onion-greenpepper mix to the sauce and mix well.

6. Add italian, tex-mex, cajun, & roasted pepper & garlic seasonings as well as the crushed red peppers to the sauce(ammount used is again personal prefference) and stir, mixing well.

7. Add full bag of noodles to large pot and stir occasionally until they are desired tenderness.

8. Strain noodles and place back into large pot.

9. Add sauce mix to the noodles and stir well, ensuring that all the noodles are covered with sauce.

10. Serve and enjoy!


