7 Cheese Lasagna

7 Cheese Lasagna

1. Put all of sauce ingredients in a large sauce pan simmer over low heat. Remove bay leaves if you use them.

2. Combine meat and onions if you decide to use them in a skillet. Brown, drain and rinse to remove any extra unwanted fats. Completely cool sauce before you begin layering. (it may be easier to prepare sauce the day before, it can be made ahead and put in freezer if you want just remember to have ample time to let it thaw before use).

3. While sauce is cooling mix dry cheeses together in large bowl, mix well and then reserve approximately 1 cup for topping. Then add in Ricotta and Parsley, blend together till well blended.

4. Preheat oven to 400°F.

5. Spray a large roasting pan with non stick cooking spray.

6. Begin layering ingredients. First layer is cheese, then sauce, and then noodles, continue to repeat all the way through I have found through the years of making this dish it is easier to layer the cheese by hand. The last layer is sauce. Sprinkle reserved cheese over top.

7. Reduce heat to 350°F and cook for 1.5 hours or until noodles are done.


