Achara (Pickled Papaya)

Achara (Pickled Papaya)

1. Peel the papaya and discard seeds. Shred using a vegetable grater or a cheese grater with bigger holes.

2. Put the shredded papaya in a bowl, sprinkle with the teaspoon of salt and toss. Let sit for 30 minutes to an hour, then squeeze by the handfuls, discarding the juice.

3. In a sauce pan - mix together the pickling solution and bring to boil stirring until sugar and salt are completely dissolved.

4. Remove from heat and set aside to cool.

5. Put everything in a bowl and pour the cooled pickling solution on top and mix well.

6. Refrigerate, covered or transfer into jars and let cure for a day or so before serving.

7. Enjoy!

8. *Prep time includes soaking and sitting the papaya with the salt.


