Actual Tomatillo Sauce From Texas

Actual Tomatillo Sauce From Texas

1. roast the poblano anyway you like, pan, grill etc. Once they are black, put them in a paper bag. Since nobody has paper bags anymore, pull out the cereal from it's box, and use the box. After 10 minutes, wash the peppers under the tap and the blackened skin will peel off. Pull off the stem and wash off the seeds.

2. While the poblanos are roasting, soak the tomatillos in a pot of cold water, this will help soften the husks for removal. Do not rupture the tomatillos by pulling the stems to hard. You want them intact when you boil them. I don't have a time to boil them, maybe 10 minutes. They will turn weird shades of green, pull them when they look like they are about to burst, they should be soft.

3. Put the softened tomatillos in a food processor once you have removed the stems and any hard parts.

4. In a pan, soften a diced onion, as much garlic as you want and your diced pepper (1 good jalapeno is all you really need). Once all the "veggies" are soft or whenever the hell you want, dump them in with the tomatillos and blend.

5. I like to really, really blend this sauce. While it is blending, add a good about (a handful) of fresh ciliantro.

6. Add the salt and pepper and comino as well -- stopping to taste frequently. A touch of sugar needs to be added once you have it seasoned they way you like it -- you have to add at least a bit of sugar or the tangy-ness is out of control.

7. You will make a bunch of sauce with this recipe which can then be added to most anything to make it better. If you are really prepared, do this a day or two in advance of a party and just put it out with some chips and your other dips, sauces. People will actually finish the entire bowl of this.

8. Oh, and drink beer while you are doing this -- I promise it helps.

9. BTW This is Tex-Mex, food network needs to add this as a category -- other wise you have to pick Baja or Oaxaca -- who knows.

