Addicted To Porridge

Addicted To Porridge

1. Place all dry ingredients in small saucepan, mix together with water.

2. Simmer over low heat for approx.

3. 20 minutes, stirring frequently.

4. As it thickens, add a little additional water to maintain the creamy texture (I like mine quite thick).

5. It can be ready after about 10 minutes, but I find the flavour and texture best the longer I cook it- I just keep adding water until I'm ready to eat!

6. I enjoy mine with a dob of butter (or dairy-free marg, these days), a generous sprinkling of brown sugar or honey, a handful of LSA (linseed, sunflower seeds and ground almonds- very high in Omega-3 and-6, the essential fatty acids), and soy milk.

7. A great start to every day!


