Afghans (New Zealand)

Afghans (New Zealand)

1. FOR THE COOKIES: Preheat oven to 350 degrees F & grease 2 cookie sheets.

2. In a large mixing bowl, beat together the softened butter & the brown sugar until light & creamy, then add the egg & vanilla, continuing to beat until well mixed.

3. In another bowl, sift together the flour, cocoa, baking powder & salt, then stir this dry mixture, along with the coconut & cornflakes, into the creamed mixture.

4. Scoop tablespoonfuls of the batter onto the prepared cookie sheets.

5. Bake for 15 minutes or until the cookies are firm to the touch. DO NOT OVERCOOK them, as they will burn.

6. Cool on a metal rack before making the icing.

7. FOR THE CHOCOLATE ICING: When cookies have cooled, in a small bowl, stir together the butter, cocoa & hot water, making a smooth paste.

8. Sift in the powdered sugar & stir to make a thick, spreadable icing.

9. Ice the cooled cookies & if desired, top them with chopped walnuts. Store uneaten cookies in an airtight container.


