Agedashi Dofu

Agedashi Dofu

1. Press the tofu for at least 10 minutes. Then quarter.

2. Place oil in the pan over medium heat. When it is hot, add the tofu a little at a time to avoid cooling the oil. Move the tofu gently to prevent it sticking to pan. [now you know why they supply chopsticks with Woks.].

3. When tofu is crisp and golden brown on the outside, place on paper towels and let drain.

4. Mix the grated radish and chopped onions together. Set aside.

5. In a pan add the soy sauce and mirin to the dashi. Bring to a boil. Remove from heat.

6. Arrange the tofu on serving platter and pour sauce on top. Top with the radish mixture.

7. Serve.


