Ainsley'S Spicy Casablanca Couscous

Ainsley'S Spicy Casablanca Couscous

1. Heat 1 tbsp of the oil in large pan. add the cumin,garlic,coriander and paprika and fry over a gentle heat for 1 min,stirring.

2. Add the stock and saffron and bring to the boil. Add the spring onion and then pour in the couscous in a steady stream and give it a quick stir.

3. Cover the pan with a tight fitting lid, remove from the heat and set aside for 5 minutes, to allow the grains to swell and absorb the stock.

4. If you are serving this warm, stir in the rest of the oil and the remaining ingredients now. Otherwise allow the couscous to cool and chill in the fridge for 1 hour before adding the other ingredients for a yummy cold couscous salad.


