Alcachofas En Vinagreta Aromatica (Artichokes In Vinaigrette)

Alcachofas En Vinagreta Aromatica (Artichokes In Vinaigrette)

1. Add the lemon juice to a large bowl of cold water. Trim the artichokes, cutting off the stalks to within 2 inches of the base of each artichoke and removing the tough outer leaves. Cut off the top quarter of the leaves from each.

2. Slice each artichoke in half lengthwise or into quarters if very large. Remove the artichoke heart from each piece with a teaspoon then place into the bowl of cold water. This will keep them from discoloring while you do other parts of the recipe.

3. Bring a large non-aluminum sauce pan of water to a boil. Add the artichokes and 1 tsp salt and simmer for 20 minutes, or until tender. Test by placing a skewer through the base. If cooked, the skewer will go through with little or no resistance.

4. Strain then drain the artichokes on their cut side. Allow to cool.

5. In a small bowl, combine the garlic, oregano, coriander, cumin and chili flakes. Season with salt and pepper and then blend in the sherry vinegar. Allow to marinate together for 10 minutes.

6. Beating continuously, add the olive oil slowly to the mixture to make an emulsion (can use a food processor for this part).

7. Arrange the artichokes in rows on a serving platter. Pour the dressing over the top and leave to cool completely.


