Almond Dream Cake ... Mandeldron

Almond Dream Cake ... Mandeldron

1. Tip: To grind almonds use a little of the sugar in a processor with the nuts, as this will prevent the nuts from turning to butter.

2. Cake:

3. Preheat oven to 350°F.

4. Grease a 9-inch springform pan.

5. Combine the flour and the almonds together.

6. Beat egg yolks until very thick and pale pale yellow.

7. Gradually add the sugar and beat until mixture forms a ribbon.

8. Add the nuts and flour.

9. Beat the egg whites until stiff peaks form.

10. Fold the beaten stiff whites into the yolk mixture.

11. Pour into prepared pan.

12. Bake 45 minutes until just done.

13. Use a tester at this point.

14. Cool in pan.

15. Filling:

16. Gently warm 3 tbsp of the cream in a small pot.

17. Sprinkle the gelatin over and let stand until lukewarm but not set.

18. Whip the remaining cream until soft peaks form.

19. Add the warm gelatin mixture, and beat until stiff.

20. Fold in the toasted finely chopped almonds, and Cognac.

21. Split cooled cake in half.

22. Spread half the filling over bottom; replace the top layer and cover all with the remaining cream mixture.

23. Garnish with strawberries and shaved chocolate and extra whipped cream.


