Am’S Crock Pot Beef Goulash Stew

Am’S Crock Pot Beef Goulash Stew

1. Add beef tips to crock pot.

2. Mix ingredients 2-13 in bowl and add to crock pot.

3. Add onions, tomatoes and butter and cook for 8-10 hours.

4. Add pepper to taste.

5. Cook macaroni, drain and add oil and butter to keep from sticking.

6. When about ready to serve, add 1/4 cup of sour cream and simmer.

7. **I know some people do not prefer sour cream---but this amount will only add to the creaminess and help to balance the taste, otherwise it may be too thin. Add slightly less if there is a concern and you will not know that sour cream is added!**.


