An Arabic Breakfast

An Arabic Breakfast

1. In a small frypan, put enough olive oil to nearly cover the bottom.

2. Fry chunks of white cheese until golden on each side (but don't overdo it).

3. Put along with oil onto small serving plate.

4. Clean the frypan (or use another one) and use it to make Arabic style scrambled eggs.

5. Place two tablespoons of olive oil in the pan along with 3 eggs and salt to taste (about 3 pinches).

6. Lightly turn it with a fork (Arabic scrambled eggs aren't as scrambled as the 'normal' version) until there is no longer any egg liquid (it should only just be cooked no more).

7. Put olives in a serving bowl.

8. Put about 1/2 cup of zaatar in a serving bowl.

9. Put 1/4 cup olive oil in a serving bowl and serve alongside zaatar.

10. Cut tomatoes into wedges.

11. Sprinkle small amount of salt over wedges (optional).

12. Cut the ends off the cucumbers and slice each into 4 long strips.

13. Put tomato wedges and cucumbers onto serving plate.

14. Serve labaneh with olive oil drizzled on top.

15. Serve mortadella sliced.

16. Heat the Arabic bread either by using the stove top (gas ovens) and turning frequently or heating each piece in the microwave for 30 seconds (not the authentic way of doing it!) Make tea in pot as per usual but with the dried sage or mint added.

17. Serve in Arabic teacups (usually small glass ones) with between 1-2 teaspoons sugar in each.

18. (Note: mint needs less sugar than sage) Serve all of the above.

19. The traditional way is to place a large tablecloth on the floor and eat seated on the ground.

20. Eat with Arabic bread.


