And All Because He Does Not Like Sauerkraut !! #1

And All Because He Does Not Like Sauerkraut !! #1

1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees F.

2. Drain the juices from the sauerkraut, replacing it with the juice from the pineapple can.

3. Gently simmer this in a pan on the stove for about 15 minutes, give it a stir now and then.

4. Fry the onion and garlic in some butter until soft, then add the curry powder and sambal (if using) and fry for another minute or two Drain the sauerkraut, there might be no liquid to drain, and mix this with the onion mixture, pineapple chunks and the bell pepper.

5. Take small amounts of this mix and put on the ham slices, roll them up.

6. Grease an oven proof dish with some of the butter, put what is left of the sauerkraut in the bottom of the dish, sprinkle a ΒΌ of the cheese on top, then put the ham rolls on top of that.

7. Mix the leftover cheese with the breadcrumbs, top the dish with that and some small flecks of butter.

8. Bake for 30 to 40 minutes, serve with mashed potatoes.


