Angela'S Chicken Tikka Masala

Angela'S Chicken  Tikka Masala

1. Prepare all ingredients for curry paste.

2. Heat fry pan and add all ingredients and heat for 4-5 minutes.

3. scrape ingredients into blender and blend until a smooth paste.

4. Scrape out of blender and put into a small (preferably glass) bowl (glass to prevent staining!).

5. Clean out your blender.

6. Curry powder will stain.

7. Assemble your blender again, as you will be using it again in a few minutes!

8. Clean chicken and cut into small pieces, approximately 1 inch pieces.

9. In your blender add garlic, ginger, tomato and yogurt and blend until all is nice and smooth.

10. Keep lid on blender and set aside for later.

11. Measure oil into a nice sized pan (one which has a lid) and heat on medium heat.

12. Add onion and fry for 2-3 minutes (will begin to turn clear).

13. Add the yogurt-tomato mixture from your blender and stir constantly for one minute.

14. Add the curry paste and stir constantly for another minute or so.

15. Then add cubed chicken to the pan and completely mix.

16. Add heavy cream at this time and stir constantly until mixture starts to bubble.

17. Add salt and pepper (more or less; whatever you desire), and cover.

18. reduce heat to low-med heat and simmer for 20 minutes.

19. It would be a good idea to start cooking your rice (according to package directions, so it is done at the same time as your chicken tikka!) After 20 mins, check to see if chicken is completely cooked!

20. Serve over rice!

21. Be sure to use the gravy as well!

22. (warning. if you use too much gravy, you can really kill the flavor of this dish. use just enough to coat the rice).

23. ENJOY!


