Anjeeri Khumb With Only 3 Tsps. Oil And Maraschino Cherries!

Anjeeri Khumb With Only 3 Tsps. Oil And Maraschino Cherries!

1. Heat 1 tsp.

2. of oil in a pan.

3. Add 8-10 mushrooms and stir-fry for 2 minutes.

4. Remove from flame.

5. Drain on a clean paper napkin.

6. Set aside.

7. Now prepare the stuffing for the mushrooms as follows.

8. Heat 1 tsp.

9. oil in another pan.

10. Add ginger and onion.

11. Stir-fry till the onion is softened and the raw smell of ginger is gone.

12. Mix in the chopped figs, garam masala powder, green chillies, a pinch of mace powder, a pinch of white pepper powder and salt.

13. Add lemon juice (freshly strained), saffron that has been dissolved in a little water and 1 tsp.

14. of corriander leaves.

15. Mix well.

16. Remove from flame.

17. Keep this stuffing aside to cool.

18. Now remove the base (I'll call this as"caps" in the following steps) of each mushroom.

19. DO NOT THROW away these caps as we need them in the next step.

20. Check to see if the stuffing has cooled or not.

21. If not, wait for a while till it cools down.

22. If it has already cooled down, add the stuffing with the help of a spoon, into each mushroom.

23. Cover each mushroom with its base (cap) that had been cut earlier.

24. Add half a cherry on each mushroom.

25. To secure each cherry on each mushroom, use a toothpick.

26. Push a toothpick through each cherry and let it go all the way down the mushroom.

27. Likewise, secure all the cherries on all the mushrooms.

28. Sprinkle a little salt and a little white pepper powder over the cherry-mushrooms.

29. Heat 1 tsp.

30. oil in another pan.

31. When the oil is hot, carefully, and very gently, put each mushroom on the pan.

32. Cook briefly, shaking the pan, very gently, until the mushrooms are tender and cooked.

33. Transfer onto a serving platter.

34. To make it even more presentable, very carefully pass a leaf or two of parsely or corriander, through each toothpick- it looks so darn good, your guests will oooh and aah on it.

35. Then, all that's left is to- serve these and eat!


