Anya'S Dutch Pancakes

Anya'S Dutch Pancakes

1. 1 cup oil vegetable Crisco* {preferred Choice Brand} aside for frying of pancakes it will take about 1 - 2 tablespoons per pancake this is how Anya showed me while she fried the pancakes also she used an electric griddle which she said, "that it worked best"!

2. whisk eggs with all ingredients add sugar to taste.

3. heat frying pan to hot add about 2 tablespoons of oil.

4. when oil is bubbly add batter about 4 ounces or a medium ladle full add about 1 - 2 tablespoons of oil for each pancake that will be fried very important for consistency for frying these pancakes do not miss this step.

5. wait until the edges of the pancake are golden brown and the spatula goes under the pancake and the whole pancake can be lifted without dripping batter over the edges and turned over.

6. each pancake should take about 2 minutes to cook.

7. Note: If you cannot find Blending flour my 2ND choice would be cake and pastry flour the finest grind you can find is best.


